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Knowledge Network - Overview

Innovation is a key priority for both UK and China. There are significant opportunities for the UK in China - bilateral engagement offers potential to exploit more technology and build expertise across two very different national systems. The UK needs to develop long-term sustainable partnerships with China but the pace of growth means there is still a substantial need for partnering, networking and raising awareness.

For UK companies, HEI's and research institutes interested in the Chinese market, the best way to learn about what opportunities are available is to visit China and talk to companies and government agencies about the technologies, products and services you have to offer.

ICUK has established a state-of-the art knowledge network to stimulate knowledge exchange, showcase technologies and enhance communications to promote UK technologies in China.

Our partners include many of the top universities in the UK and China; Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, and the Foreign Office in the UK; and the Ministry of Science and Technology and local government science and technology commissions in China. We work with these partners to hold a series of events in China, including partnering events and innovation forums.


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